This is a middle size TOEFL vocabulary. Lots of websites and books use them as source of flash cards. Web collects them here and revises some with new definitions of Pacific Lava School. All words are divided into three groups to easy access and review. Welcome to visit this popular TOEFL preparation resource.
fad: fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; craze
faint: lacking strength or vigor ; weak
fair: a traveling show
fancy: capricious notion; something many people believe that is false
fast: abstaining from food
feat: achievement; accomplishment
feather: the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
fetter: restrain with U-shaped bar for ankles or feet; impede; hamper
fidget: move uneasily one way and the other; behave or move nervously or restlessly
fizz: an effervescent beverage (usually alcoholic), make a hissling noise
flair: natural talent or aptitude
flare: sudden outburst of emotion; glare; shine; shine with sudden light
flaw: crack or breach; gap or fissure; defect; fault; sudden burst of noise and disorder
fledgling: young and inexperienced; having just acquired its flight feathers
flood: a large flow
flunk: fail, especially in a course or an examination; give a failing grade to
folly: foolishness; lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight
footstool: a low stool to rest the feet of a seated person
frantic: highly excited with strong emotion; disordered or nervous activity
fright: cause fear in
fringe: margin; periphery; decorative border of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band
frivolous: lacking in seriousness; not serious; relatively unimportant
fulfill: accomplish, satisfy, meet, suit
garbled: mixed up; difficult to understand because it has been distorted
garments: an article of clothing
garner: gather; store up; amass; acquire
gauntlet: a glove with long sleeve
gerbil: a small rodent that is often kept as a pet
giggle: laugh with short catches of the breath or voice; laugh in light, affected, or silly manner
glazed: having a shiny surface or coating; lacking liveliness, used of eyes; fitted or covered with glass
gloomy: imperfectly illuminated; dusky; dim; clouded
gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful; magnificent
grated: to reduce something to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.
gravel: small stones, or fragments of stone; very small pebbles, often intermixed with particles of sand
gravity: seriousness; solemn and dignified feeling; natural force between two massive bodies
greedy: wanting to get more than one can reasonably get
grief: pain of mind; mental suffering arising from any cause, as misfortune, loss of friends; sorrow; sadness
grim: unrelenting; rigid; dismal and gloomy; cold and forbidding
grip: hold fast or firmly; seize as in a wrestling match
groan: give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing
groovy: (british informal) very chic
groping: acting with uncertainty or hesitance or lack of confidence
ground: solid surface of the earth; bottom; lowest part
grudge: be unwilling or reluctant to give or admit; be envious; show discontent
gut: the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus
hackneyed: repeated too often; over familiar through overuse
haggle: argue about prices; bargain, as over the price of something
hail: call for; salute; greet; praise vociferously
haphazard: not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance
harm: any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
harsh: rough; coarse; severe; unpleasantly stern
harvest: gather; yield from plants in a single growing season
hassle: argument or fight; trouble; bother
hasty: easily angered; irritable; made too quickly to be accurate or wise
hatch: breed; emerge from the egg
haunt: be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place; bother; disturb
haze: fog; mist; partially opaque covering; vague or confused state of mind
heal: cure; make or get healthy again
hedge: thicket of bushes, usually thorn bushes
heel: back part of the human foot; lower end of a ship’s mast
heist: commit a burglary
hen: female chicken
herd: flock; crowd; group of cattle or other domestic animals
heretic: one who holds to a heresy; one who believes some doctrine contrary to the established faith or prevailing religion
hermit: person who retires from society and lives in solitude; recluse; anchoret, especially, one who so lives from religious motives
hindrance: something that holds back or causes problems with something else; obstacle
hindsight: understanding the nature of an event after it has actually happened
hobbling: walking awkwardly
hold: keep from departing; take and maintain control over; stop dealing with
hollow: sound as if echoing in a empty space; void; vain; not solid; having a space or gap or cavity
hue: color; appearance; particular gradation of color
hurtle: crash; move with or as if with great speed and rushing noise
impart: reveal or tell; grant a share of; bestow
incessant: uninterrupted; unceasing; continuing without interruption
incidental: happening, as occasional event, without regularity; coming without design
incite: arouse to action; motivate; induce to exist
indefatigable: tireless; showing sustained enthusiastic action
indelible: impossible to remove, erase, or wash away; permanent
infraction: violation of rule or regulation; breach; minor offence or petty crime
inmate: a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison
insolvent: bankrupt; unable to repay one’s debts
intricate: complex; elaborate; having many complexly arranged elements
irascible: irritable; easily angered; excited by or arising from anger
irresolute: uncertain how to act or proceed; undecided; lacking in resolution
jargon: language used by a special group; technical terminology; nonsensical or meaningless talk
jeopardy: exposure to death, loss, or injury; hazard; risk of loss or injury
jiggle: a slight irregular shaking motion
keen: acute; incisive; sharp ; express grief verbally
kindle: build or fuel a fire; cause to glow; light up; inspire
knack: clever, expedient way of doing something; specific talent, especially one difficult to explain or teach
knob: hard protuberance; hard swelling or rising; bunch; lump
ladder: steps consisting of two parallel members connected by rungs
lagging: hang back or fall behind in movement, progress, development
lame: moving with pain or difficulty because of injury; disabled so that movement is difficult or impossible
lampoon: ridicule; subject to abusive ridicule expressed in work of art
languish: lose animation; be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor
lavish: liberal; wasteful; excessive spending
lead: a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element
lean: bend or slant away from the vertical; rely for assistance or support
lease: rent; charter; engage for service under a term of contract
leather: an animal skin made smooth and flexible by removing the hair and then tanning
leery: suspicious or distrustful; wary; cautious
leniency: mildness; quality of mercy or forgiveness, especially in the assignment of punishment as in a court case
levity: lack of seriousness; lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate
likely: has a good chance of being the case or of coming about
limb: arm; leg; any of the main branches arising from the trunk or a bough of a tree
limp: walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg; move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily
loaf: any thick lump, mass, or cake, especially, a large regularly shaped or molded mass, as of bread
loony: informal or slang terms for mentally irregular, lunatic, insane
loosely: without regard to specific details or exceptions
loquacious: talkative; given to continual talking; chattering
lousy: infested with lice
ludicrous: laughable; completely devoid of wisdom or good sense
lump: a small mass of matter of irregular shape; irregular or shapeless mass; small cube of sugar
lurches: makes and uncontrolled series of movements
maize: tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears
meander: follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction
mend: make repairs or restoration to; fix; improve
mere: being nothing more than what is specified; considered apart from anything else; small; slight
messy: dirty; unorganized; disorderly; unpleasantly difficult to settle or resolve
miff: bad-tempered mood
mild: moderate in type or degree or effect or force
misanthrope: one who hates or mistrusts mankind
mischievous: causing mischief; harmful; hurtful; troublesome; irritating
misleading: deceptive
mock: treat with ridicule or contempt; mimic; frustrate hopes of
mold: model; fit tightly, follow the contours of ; frame; make something for a specific shape; become moldy
mole: a small congenital pigmented spot on the skin
mood: a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling
morose: ill humored; sullen; depressingly dark; gloomy; persistent
moss: tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants
muck: moist sticky mixture, especially of mud and filth; earth, rocks, or clay excavated in mining
mug: rob at gunpoint or with the threat of violence
mull: reflect deeply on a subject
nave: the central area of a church
neat: clean or orderly
negligent: careless; inattentive
nonchalance: indifference; lack of concern; composure
obey: be obedient to
obtuse: lacking in insight or discernment; stupid
odorless: having no odor; devoid of odor or fragrance
offspring: descendant
onset: beginning or early stages; offensive against enemy
opaque: impenetrable by light; not transparent; not reflecting light; having no luster
opulence: extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance
orchard: garden; area of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees
outnumber: be larger in number
outward: toward the outside
overwhelming: overpowering in effect or strength; very great or intense; extreme
parsimonious: excessively unwilling to spend; excessively sparing or frugal
partake: to take part; participate. share.
paucity: scarcity; smallness of number; fewness
paw: a clawed foot of an animal especially a quadruped
peak: summit; apex; maximum; prime
peel: come off in flakes or thin small pieces; strip the skin off; get undressed
peripheral: located in outer boundary; unimportant; auxiliary
peruse: read or examine, typically with great care
pinch: clutch; squeeze between the thumb and a finger, the jaws of a tool, or other edges
plea: request for help; excuse or pretext
pledge: promise solemnly and formally; binding commitment to do something
poised: marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action
popsicle: ice cream or water ice on a small wooden stick
porch: covered and enclosed entrance to building; covered passage
poultry: domestic fowls reared for eating, or for their eggs or feathers, such as cocks and hens, capons, turkeys, ducks, and geese
pouring: flowing profusely
praise: an expression of approval and commendation
prank: acting like a clown; dress up showily; practical joke
preach: advocate; speak, plead; argue in favor of
prodigal: wasteful; reckless with money
profane: violate; put to improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse
progeny: one derived from another; offspring or descendant; result of creative effort, as product
proximity: state of being proximate; nearness in place, time, or relation
prudish: exaggeratedly proper
puddle: something resembling a pool of liquid; a small body of standing water
puffy: breathing heavily
pulled: attracted
pun: a humorous play on words
pursuit: follow after; follow with a view to obtain; endeavor to attain